
For learning to happen, our education leaders pursue all aspects of their work with a relentless focus on students.

We recognize the central importance of human relationships not only in leadership but in teaching and student learning. At the core, students learn when education leaders foster safe, caring, and supportive school learning communities.

At IIS, the positive learning environment is fostered in school by following programs that set high expectations for student performance, social-emotional learning and behaviour management.

  • School follows procedures for catering to individual needs with specialist staff and uses screening-tools to ensure accurate identification and highly professional inclusive teaching.
  • Identified needs are evaluated and discussed in light of classroom observations, notebook work, periodic tests and term exams.

Care and Support for Students with Learning Differences

In accordance with the IIS ethos, educators ensure that all students reach their full potential, both for their self-fulfilment and for their development into active, responsible adults. We value the individuality, gifts and talents of all of our students.

  • IIS offers support to students with learning differences in a variety of settings using a variety of methodologies based on individual needs.
  • Suitable learning challenges are set at all levels, determined through comprehensive analysis and assessment.
  • Psychometric tests are organized for students of different age groups, career fairs and university fairs organized on regular bases.
  • Our Super Teachers are subject experts who build resources, annotate lesson plan and share strategies with teachers to help the students in the best possible way.

Care and Support for Highly Abled, Gifted and Talented Students

“Students who have been defined as being gifted and/or talented are students whose abilities and qualities result in their exceptional performance.” The educational needs of such students require specific consideration within mainstream educational programs as their achievements or perceived potential often place them significantly ahead of the majority of their peers in one or more of the following areas.

  • The teacher challenges students with extension work in the classroom as per the student’s ability and strengths.
  • Students are also encouraged to participate in external competitions in different areas.
  • Meetings are conducted with parents to discuss the student’s potential and ways of supporting the child.
  • An Advanced Learning Plan for the student is prepared accordingly.

Educational planning includes ALP for all ‘Gifted Students’ and GT Coach addresses ascending intellectual demand through strategic planning of content, process and metacognition. Opportunities for challenges are embedded in classroom planning through leadership, creative and collaborative projects.