
We at IIS believe in empowering students as leaders so that they turn into independent, responsible and tolerant citizens. It is important for students to experience leadership opportunities during their schooling, to learn the art of building relationships within teams, defining identities, and achieving tasks effectively. It also provides an exposure to learn to identify and display effective communication and interpersonal skills.

The framework of the student council at IIS is to enhance the mission of school by developing leaders among students, by providing a vehicle for pastoral care and by strengthening the school community students.


IIS has a system of ‘Houses’ that promotes a sense of joint responsibility, a team spirit which brings in healthy competition among the students. We have our house system that is named after the four precious stones, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire and Topaz. This inspires every student to be a jewel in the crown.

Emerald House stands for-Remember to always dare. The color green creates waves and signals the go-ahead flag to life.

Ruby House stands for- Always onward toward better things. The color red, bold & warm has the power to excite every good-spirited soul.

Sapphire House stands for- Fortune favors the bold- It stands for the ability to see beneath the surface to the underlying truths with exceptional focus of mind.

Topaz House stands for- Never give up, never surrender- The color yellow, bright and cheerful, holds the promise of a happy day.

The House system begins at primary level, which is carefully monitored at every stage and is ably lead by the House Mentors and the Student Captains. Throughout the year, children are encouraged to take part in and support a variety of fun activities and events to earn points for their houses. Both achievement and participation are celebrated regularly among all across school. The co-ordination amongst everyone at IIS creates a sense of belongingness within the camaraderie that further fosters a spirit of leadership, co-operation, mutual understanding, tolerance and self-reliance in students.

The structure of the Student Council at IIS-

Main Council: We have the Main Council comprising of the Head Girl, Head Boy and House Captains from Grade 10 who are the senior most in the campus. Our Head Boy and Girl represent the school and act as role models through their daily conduct. Both are ambassadors at whole school events and take leading roles within the Student Councils.

Senior Council: The Senior Council consists of House Vice Captains, the Sports Secretary and Arts and Cultural Secretary from Grade 9.

Junior Council: This includes the Junior Assistant Head Boy and the Junior Assistant Head Girl along with the Junior House Vice Captains from Grades 5-8.

Mini Councils: This embodies nine MINI councils headed by our Champions and Ambassadors from Grade 8, with Prefects from Grades 3 to 7, working together for the success of different initiatives taken up by school.

    • Wellbeing Council
    • Reading Council
    • Environment Council
    • Innovation Council
    • Arabic Council
    • Hindi Council
    • Digital Council
    • Social Media and Social Outreach

Donning the mantle of responsibility, student leaders dispense their duties to the best of their abilities and abide by the rules and regulations of the school. In addition to planning events that contribute to school spirit and community welfare, the student council is the voice of the student body.